November 01, 2004


All things look like we will have to sustain the same 2000 agony of watching the USA fall into a bad case of post-election legal challenging nightmare. It is somehow fitting that the country with the most lawyers per capita finally falls totally victim to them, even in its most basic democratic function.

I fully expect us to see a prolonged multifront legal battle, that in the end will reenforce the strategic importance of the choice of supreme court judges. As John Perry Barlow said: either candidate needs to win with a sufficiently high margin to offset the Diebold voting machine fraud and other forms of manipulation, as well as the residual errors of the voting system. This is unlikely to happen, so prepare for a several weeks of massive uncertainty. And in the end, Bush can probably count on his conservative supreme court chums to reinstall him again to power "in the name of the law". What this will do to the US political system, I dont know. The wife of Mr. Edwards answered to the question of a reporter if there might be riots after the election "Not if we win...".

Posted by frank at November 1, 2004 10:28 PM | TrackBack