September 19, 2004

Herbert O. Yardley: Black Chamber

I just finished reading "The American Black Chamber" by Herbert O. Yardley . Yardley has been more or less the grandfather of the NSA, running the american cryptanalysis department for 16 years, up to 1929. The book became an instant scandal as, it contains many information about how the encryption systems of these days were constructed and solved, as well as a a lot of political hot details. It is a excellent introduction into the mindset of cryptanalysis, how to exploit every scrap of information to find a solution to a particular cryptosystem.

The NSA has introduced Yardley into their all of fame in 1999 and considers the book worth to be on display in their museum . An affordable reprint has been arranged by the Naval Institue Press .

Posted by frank at September 19, 2004 01:07 AM | TrackBack