Umlautz br0ken

WordPress ist offenbar zu modern für Safari. Firefox kommt prima mit dem utf-8 Encoding klar, Safari nicht so recht. Sieht so aus als wäre das moderne Web an dieser Stelle noch ein bischen Ausbaufähig…

Seelische Grausamkeit

Vor einigen Monaten riss die Telekom bei mir vor dem Haus die Strasse auf und installierte frisches Kupfer bis zu so übergrossen Schaltkästen die alle 500m aufgestellt sind. In den Schaltkästen findet sich ein Wunder moderner Siemens-gelabelter Innovation, ein DSLAM mit Faser-Anschluss. (Für diejenigen Leser die mich nicht schon länger kennen: ich wohne in einem OPAL-Ghetto). Nun behaupten seit zwei oder drei Wochen T-Online, QSL und Arcor sie könnten mir endlich zu kabelbasiertem schnellen Netz verhelfen. Bedingt durch historisch motivierte T-Abneigung entschied ich mich also Arcor eine Chance zu geben. Das Verfügbarkeits-Webform beglückte mich mit euphorischem “JA! Schon bald können auch Sie mit Höchstgeschwindigkeit surfen!”-Gebabel, die Post mit einem “Wir haben Ihren Auftrag erhalten, nur ein kleines bischen Geduld bitte”-Brief. Die Welt war schön.

Bis heut früh. Da fand ich dann einen viel zu dünnen Umschlag von Arcor in meinem Kasten, darin ein in dürren Worten verfasster “Aus technischen Gründen können wir nicht liefern”-Schrieb. Das hat mir echt den Tag versaut. Warum können die denn ihre Verfügbarkeits-Karten nicht mal zuverlässig machen? Das kann doch nicht so schwer sein… Erst falsche Hoffnungen wecken und mich dann noch mit “Aber Sie können unsere tollen neuen Pre-Selection Tarife verwenden” nerven. SEUFZ

Back again

Knowledge Brings Fear was offline for some days due to a harddisk crash and resulting problems. It is back up again now. Platform changed to WordPress, lets see if I can get used to it. Maybe I will play with layout and colors a bit, consider the present state to be intermediate.

My dear american friends,

My dear american friends,

We have believed you when you said “Look, this is not the real USA! We, the liberal, good americans won the last election, just the courts stole it from us. We as a nation are not like these morons governing us.”.

It was all to plausible. We wanted to believe you. The idea of a nuclear armed superpower governed by a group of right-wing religious fanatics is scary enough. The idea that the majority of citizens really wanted to be governed by these zealots was to bad to contemplate. We wanted to believe that this was just an accident, an temporary mishap that would be corrected for sure in the next elections, because the real liberal, freedom-loving america would rise its head and end the aberration.

Now, my american friends, this was obviously an illusion. As the elections have shown you live among a majority of people who rather want to be “secure” then free, who prefer “moral values” over freedom of thought and action. Apparently the “real” USA has awaken. It is the ugly one, the rednecks, the “regular churchgoers”, the Fox-TV-watching, Prozac-swallowing, mindless suburb zombies with their SUVs. Even if they won through fraud and manipulation, your “better” america let them do so, again. Maybe it does not really matter that much which Skull&Bones-men governs you for the next four years, but letting religious fundamentalists roll back the civil liberties that are the core of western society is not an option.

You, my american friends, belong to a nation that happily wastes 25% of the worlds energy ressources without even pretending to be interested in doing something about it. Your nation has just decided, with a clear majority of voters, to continue wrecking the climate without any remorse and to continue destabilizing entire world regions in the name of access to cheap energy.

Face it, Bushs word about “defending the american way of life” is just the truth. Your country will need all its military might to continue endangering the planets future. “American way of life” is precisely the problem. Not only because your nation is following it. No, it is also that through the superb US media industry this “american way of life” is held as the one and only shining lifestyle-example for all the aspiring entrepreneurs in all “emerging” countries. Imagine, everybody on this planet wants now his own SUV and his own badly isolated energy-wasting house in surburbia. Of course they do not know how boring this lifestyle becomes after a while. But when they realize this, it will be too late für mother Earth.

So please, my american friends, do not wonder if from now on no one is going to believe you when you try to talk about the “other america”. Yes, I believe that it is there since cool technology is still invented in the US, Nobel laureates in large numbers still come from the US etc. pp. But apparently the other America is neither relevant nor able to bring this nation to some sense. Stupidity and ignorance are no excuse. We are talking about the very future of this planet, not just some minor difference in politics.

So please, my american friends, try to convince us that there is some hope. Presidents can be impeached, electronically manipulated elections can be challenged, life for governments can be made very difficult by a determined and creative opposition. Make Bush wish he never was elected for a second term. Fight to get your country back. Going back to sleep and wait another four years is not an option…

And if you decide to escape the madness by going somewhere more agreeable, send me an e-mail. Old Europe is not so bad, after all.