Back in Sao Paulo

(Trying out a new language scheme. Podcasting in german, text based travel-blogging in english. Lets see if you like it.)

I am back in Sao Paulo, Brazil for a week of work. The security situation in Sao Paulo is not funny, when you look at the media. TV and newspapers are full with discussions about police shooting smalltime criminal favela-inhabitants in revenge for the organized killing of a substantial number of police officers. Politics is reduced to more or less veiled best wishes for the police in their hunt. Apparently the local government has made a deal with the organized crime forces and police is now killing not-so-organized criminals to get revenge. It does not look like the PCC-gang that incited the killings is suffering much, probably part of the deal.

But as I said, this is all out in the Favelas. Here in the more well-to-do areas nothing is visible. I haven’t seen an armed police man after leaving the airport.


Old VW busses are in pretty good shape here and a backbone of individual group transport.


Typical high-rise building on the road.


This is how my current improvized podcast setup looks like. Works basically and give a little better audio quality then the built in microphone.