Different scales

Looking at the pictures from southeast asia, this whole terrorism scare and “security” paranoia looks so absurd and remote. One earthquake has probably killed more people then all wars and terrorism of the last years combined. What are these people talking about that want to spend hundreds of millions for biometrics in passports but say “sorry, no money left” when it comes to the basic research into natural disaster risks?

Thousands could have been saved by investments of a few million dollar in relatively primitive alarm systems. Looking at the other looming disasters of similar scale (like the Las Palmas scenario ), I hope that the funding for geophysical research will be at least brought to a level where we get decent sensor data from the critical fault zones…

On a positive note, I got signs of life from all the people I know who are in India and Thailand these days. One person traveled north the day before the wave struck, leaving a remote beach that has been completely obliterated by the wave with very few survivors. Someone else has been outside the immediate danger zone and a very lucky friend traveled to a small shrine or temple further inland and left just one hour before the wave struck.

11 thoughts on “Different scales

  1. Nikolaj Nyholm

    “One earthquake has probably killed more people then all wars and terrorism of the last years combined.”


    With all due respect for the tradegy at hand and the means to prevent it, the numbers since 2001 for Darfur (and not forgetting Sourthern Sudan), Iraq, and the continued conflict in Congo sum up close to the half-million mark. It will be a true test how quickly the instant-on news will forget SE Asia again.


    ps. Good to see you at the CCC!

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  3. neo tech book

    A man is trying to understand the nature of God and asked him: “God, how long is a million years to you?”

    God answered: “A million years is like a minute.”

    Then the man asked: “God, how much is a million dollars to you?” And God replied: “A million dollars is like a penny.”

    Finally the man asked: “God, could you give me a penny?” And God says: “In a minute.”

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