One more CeBit late story

There were few things really exciting on this years CeBit. The weather was freezing with some snow, the fairgrounds a bit less crowded and the number of surprising developments were low to medium.
The TFT-to-the-horizon displays from some chinese and korean vendors were impressive.
OLED displays are cheap enough to be integrated into really low-end keychain-videoplayers. Taiwanese companies move up the value chain, the chinese roll up the ultra-low end.
RFID needs serious marketing and Metro has spent more for the propaganda then they claim to safe by the introduction of that technology already.
Biometry still does not work, but with a lot of make-belief seems mass-market ready.
Your data is now even more easy to search, classify and score (surprise!). Mobile phones begin to eat into the video and audio player markets.
And Samsung had a nice and shiny gadget to watch your video on the mobile phone while in the train:
